For medical congress topics and working closely with EFPIA and IFPMA Compliance Code Networks.
Within the arena of medical congresses. Active network, exchange and debate around standards.
On congress related compliance topics and ensure common understanding as well as clarity
On updated international regulatory reviews and compliance issues.
To all stakeholders (e.g. PCOs, Medical Societies) and maintenance of an active exchange
IPCAA has been stated to be the best forum where all the major players in the medical meetings industry come together.
For Member Company personnel, Inter-member support, networking and exchange of views
For all Member Company employees in IPCAA events such as Annual Seminar on Compliance
IPCAA e-news and Members e-news
Access to IPCAA members only section
Share of best practice and discussion of congress related issues with other IPCAA Member Companies
Reduced registration fee at selected industry events